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Head of Human Resources OKR Examples

A list of real-world OKR examples for a(n) Head of Human Resources. You can use them either in our app or in the platform of your choice. Need help to create your OKRs? Contact us.

Modernize our current HR technology stack

The goal of this objective is to make our working environment productive again

Develop a new HR hiring strategy

The goal of this objective is to develop a new hiring process

Downsize our current payroll by 20%

The goal of this objective is to save costs before the crisis

Launch remuneration survey

Ensurebetter understanding of career possibilities

Reduce costs and improve company financial performance

Implement global layoff program to save 20% of costs

Improve employee satisfaction and retention

Develop and implement a comprehensive employee engagement program

Streamline HR processes and improve productivity

Implement a new HR management software to improve efficiency and productivity