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Director of Data Science OKR Examples

A list of real-world OKR examples for a(n) Director of Data Science. You can use them either in our app or in the platform of your choice. Need help to create your OKRs? Contact us.

Create a community and knowledge sharing platform

The goal of this objective is to make our current knowledge transferable

Hire and onboard 3 new data scientists

The goal of this objective is to increase the size of the data science team

Complete new data lake platform architecture for product

The goal of this objective is to update our current data repository

Hire 3 new ML engineers

To hire top talents and 3 new ML engineers to improve the company's data science capabilities

Increase model accuracy by 5%

To improve the accuracy of the company's machine learning models

Improve team communication and collaboration

To increase collaboration and knowledge sharing within the data science team